
Happy 2015!

Hello All,

Happy 2015! Here’s to an excellent year to all of our friends, family and to all of our clients, from the past present and future!

It’s been a very frigid couple of days in Toronto, we have been thinking back the the warmer months. This is especially true when we had an unseasonably warm day back in November where we walked around sunny Liberty Village and took these fun photos of the neighborhood.

We’re looking forward to many new exciting projects in 2015 with our valued partners as well as new partners that have chosen us to partake in their development and design projects. We also have plans on writing a few posts around exciting new technologies like Node.js, Apache Cordova and the exciting world of Mobile App development. There is always new and evolving technologies that make working in our industry such and interesting and rewarding experience. We hope to share as much of what we encounter and embrace as we possibly can.

Liberty Village offers a lot of inspiration with all of the history and beautiful old buildings. We will do our best to get out of the office and take some more photos this winter with everything covered in ice and snow. 🙂

Happy new year!