
Frameworks or Traditional Content Management Systems?

Typically for each client we work with designing a website from the ground up, we find ourselves evaluating one of two options : using a web framework such as DJango or going with a Traditional content management system such as WordPress, Joomla or Drupal.

Although the needs and requirements of each client are typically unique, there are many commonalities as such depending on the size and scope of the project.

One of the main advantages I usually see with implementing a framework is the flexibility and customization options that it provides. What it usually comes down to is the industry and type of website required, as well as the client budget and project timeline and expectation from start to finish. DJango opens many doors and allows for endless possibilities in terms of customization and providing a truly unique website.

If the budget isn’t there, then one way to look at open source and development in general is that generally speaking, someone has already developed code to implement an idea or concept already.

This is a truth that I see in the internet today time and time again. And is part of the greater dilemma with respect to making the right choice for your web project.

Unfortunately it usually comes down to time and money.